Opinions on replacing speakers

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Shawn McNeely, Jun 14, 2021.

  1. Shawn McNeely

    Shawn McNeely New Member

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    Bettendorf, IA
    Hi all, I'd like to hear what you think about replacing speakers on boomboxes. I feel like I can put WAY better speakers in them than what was original. At the same time I don't want to devalue the boombox or kinda basterdize them in any way if I can help it. I also feel that speaker replacement might be considered routine maintenance. Let me know what you think. Leave the old crappy speakers or put new better speakers in? Thanks!
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    I've got a ton of speaker'd equipment, lately the value has been going up, replacing anything will change this. Most old audio is highly collectable right now but buyers want it as close to new as possible but if I had something that was roached out I might consider changing components.

    Personally I collect boomboxes, walkmans and full size component stereo equipment, if I want better sound, I move up the ladder. I like to think the original designer's intent for the nicer equipment was to provide a decent sounding unit for different surroundings. Sure some of it sounds horrible but there's better equipment available.

    So to answer your question, I wouldn't change a thing, find another boombox that sounds better, in the old days we had HiFi Tom always chasing the HiFi Boomboxes, I've read his threads and kept an eye out for the better units picking up several over the years.
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  3. Shawn McNeely

    Shawn McNeely New Member

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    Bettendorf, IA
    Thank you for your insight Mister X!
  4. Shawn McNeely

    Shawn McNeely New Member

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    I guess I should also say that I'm adding bluetooth and a rechargeable battery to some of my units (they are easily removable and stored in the battery compartment and doesn't compromise any of the original components). My thought process is that I want to bring them back to life and have people actually USE them. I don't want them to be decor, just something fun to look at. Realistically with the conveniences and sound quality of modern day portable units on top of the fact that most people don't have tapes anymore, I feel like they would just be displayed, collecting dust on a shelf. I want to make vintage boomboxes that are just as convenient and sound as good as something you could buy at the store today
  5. Radio Raheem

    Radio Raheem Well-Known Member

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    Depends on what boombox it is, some boomboxes are mickey mouse and always will be no matter what you do....i have the best sounding m90 on the forums and that has none original speakers, i bought her that way, it was the speakers and her history that made me pull the plunge

    i say go for it, some boxes are just unusable the sound quality is that bad and then you might enjoy using them, who cares about the value lol, it's part of the fun
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
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  6. Shawn McNeely

    Shawn McNeely New Member

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    I have also had some units that are beyond repair and don't even power on that I've bypassed the original circuitry entirely and added a 50 watt amp that's smaller than a deck of cards and it has bluetooth built in and powers off a rechargeable battery. That little amp will fit inside the battery compartment with the battery and in conjunction with some good speakers it will shake your house!
    Radio Raheem likes this.
  7. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Shawn, you might enjoy trying to build your own boombox. Most home-made boomers are made out of wood but plastic can be cut with wood-working equipment and the plastic can be solvent welded (glue) or you can use a plastic welder to lay a plastic bead bonding the two plastics together.

    I've never used styrene before but Adam Savage made a Walkman with it. This is a prop but it would be easy to thicken it up for a "real" unit.
  8. Shawn McNeely

    Shawn McNeely New Member

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    Bettendorf, IA
    Yep, I definitely intend on doing that I'm a carpenter so I have all the tools and materials to do it and with the components mentioned above ($19 for the amp and $25 for the battery from Amazon) I can pretty much make a boombox out of anything. I think I might make a watermelon boombox for shits and giggles, lol
  9. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    Nice, Harbor Freight has a cheap plastic welder, mine is from Seelye Plastics and has a built in air compressor, it all fits in a tool-box so not too big. As a side note Home Depot has made in Italy Diablo (Freud) 40T Blades on sale right now, two for $50, I picked up a pack the other day.

    Do you ever hit the American Picker's Store down there? I get down to Cedar Rapids and Iowa City every few years but never over by the border.
  10. Shawn McNeely

    Shawn McNeely New Member

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    Bettendorf, IA
    Yeah I live in Bettendorf which is the next town over from Leclaire where the shop is. I've met Mike and know Frank and Danielle personally lol. The shop is pretty cool but it's a tourist trap kind of place and their prices are insane. I was considering selling some of my restored boomboxes through the shop but I haven't looked into it yet

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