Panasonic RX-DT770

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by JasonC, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. JasonC

    JasonC New Member

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    Anyone know if this particular model is good? Seen one for sale recently.
  2. Longman

    Longman Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Bournemouth UK
    You mean one like this

    Panasonic made lots of similar boxes in the 1990s.
    They weren't cheap. I would guess about £200 one one like that.
    The sound is usually quite good.

    Many people here dislike the black rounded styling, and there are people who dislike CDs, and detachable speakers, none of which classic boxes like the JVC M90 had.

    There again we have a couple of members who love the Hitachi 3Ds which have similar black styling and are from the same era

    Looking at the specifications

    the tape decks are manual opeation and don't have Autoreverse or Dolby.

    To me the biggest downside is no Line Input making it difficult to connect an MP3 player or anything else. Panasonic did that on many of their boxes, even high end ones. They seemed to think that once they added CD all needs were catered for and there would never be a need to connect anything else, not even one of their own turntables like the SL-N5 which had been discontinued by the time this came out.

    Without knowing a price, condition and whether it all works it is difficult to say whether to buy it. Does it come with the remote ?
    The main thing is whether you like it. Is CD playback important to you ? Would you want to connect anything else ?

    Checking your age it could quite easily be the type of box you lusted after as a teenager.

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