Hi People!! Well I been after one of these forever in minty condition & (preferably) working........... Nothing special about these, I just always liked them - nice design, clean stylish lines & soft touch deck with Dolby B I have seen literally dozens over the years but all have been completely fucked or been £100 + BIN buys I don't think so! lol Enter a very sweet little Sanyo M X315L last week, very clean looking & cared for which I bid a max of £25 then promptly forgot all about it My phone goes off towards the end of next week - You won this item for £11 It arrived this morning & after a day of sleeping trying to catch up on so much lost sleep, we opened the box (Extreme Packing) took ages but in the middle of it all was this pretty much minty stereo!! I knew the tape didn't function, I wasn't too worried as it had clearly never been opened up before!! These are childs play to work on, 2 screws & 3 connectors & the tape deck is out & belt replacement can begin Both stretched belts replaced although only the reel drive belt was stretched followed by a head clean, azimuth tweak & motor speed check while it was still open were all done in a very short time!! All internal switches sprayed with servisol including the record bar switch for good measure! Tape tested on headphones & for ff/rew & full autostop while big tits cleaned the front panel & silver audio knobs Put her back together & this may as well be a factory fresh stereo - look at the pictures, although compressed down you can see how new she looks, look at the tuning dial & speaker grilles Am so glad I waited for a good one, like the D8614, the wait was worth it - I now have a minty Sanyo M X315L
Nice Nick, i like these, more than the sum of their parts and the deck is surprisingly nice. I bought one of these at the carboot sometime ago and gave it to a friend. Great fix up as always.
Very nice and clean! The surprising thing is the dolby nr capability Other bigger boomboxes for example many sharp models lack Dolby System.
Unfortunately any that come up for sale here are shipped from your side of the world and shipping is as much or more than the box.