S-711 Intraclean by ART, American Recording Technology

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by WalkyTalkyBoy, Jan 25, 2019.

  1. WalkyTalkyBoy

    WalkyTalkyBoy New Member

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    The Windy City
    Hello Everyone on Stereo2Go,

    I was doing some pre-spring cleaning and found a full quart of S-711 Intraclean by ART that I kept in storage for all these years. Surprisingly the tin quart felt very full. This is the original formulation that everyone is talking about or comparing other’s cleaning formulation to. Simply the best stuff for cleaning and safe enough for the play head, recording head, erase head, pinch rollers and capstan. This stuff does the cleaning job flawlessly!!!:D:D:D Enjoy!!!

    Sorry in advance that the enclosed image is not the best it can be.

    Peace Out ✌️✌️✌️


  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    That's cool, I used to pick up Geneva's VHS Cleaning Kits when they would show up at the local thrifts, they also had some head cleaner that worked really well on cassette decks.


    Then I was checking the net and found Bluz Broz, they have both the Intraclean and Geneva Cleaners, maybe these were the two best. The Geneva had ingredients that were banned so it was pulled from the market and replaced with something else and not as effective. It looks like Bluz Broz has some nice products including those long handled q-tips that are great for cleaning cassette decks. I've never used them but they have been on the internet forever, their website looks like early 2000's.
    https://www.adelcom.net/RTR Cleaner Page.htm

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