one of my favourite units ever is the Sanyo MR-555 in all variations - i like this unit a lot more than the Sony TPS-L2... the Sony was made as a derivate to the reporter-type TCM-600 - lately i found the reporter-type derivate to the MR-555: the georgeous TRC-2500 ! check those two units compared to each other:
They are almost twins, I love looking for the differences. It looks like one of the screws on the back of the silver unit isn't recessed, kind of strange.
Nice! I really like these a lot , I have at least a dozen various models in total, some boxed, I agree these are far superior to the TPS-L2.
Ok here they are I couldn't all of them, but this is most of them. 4 x M 5550's 1 boxed 1 x MR 555S 4 x TRC 2500 1 boxed and a hard to find silver one