I am in need of a Sony WM-GX51 and Toshiba KT-4087 belts. I did find what seems to be one for the Sony but, no luck on the Toshiba unit. If you can provide some info, that be awesome.
Go to. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Belt-for-S...-GX302-WM-SXF3-WM-SXF39-Walkman-/141216908233 and for the Toshiba you could try here, https://www.turntableneedles.com/Square-Belt-Reel-64-Inch_p_417.html
Here's an old thread in the reader, I checked with my limited sources and don't have the Toshiba Listed (or it's other variation). http://www.stereo2go.com/topic/index.php?content_oid=295856121162537215&board_oid=193392314111653425