picked up a lovely condition Sony tape eraser from the ‘bay for £25 recently, and finally got to use it this morning. the results were a little disappointing but not entirely unexpected without using any electromagnets; this unit is just two heavy magnets with a slide movement to pass the cassette between them before ejecting nicely on the other side. I detected artefacts on the erased tape, but certainly nothing a recorder’s electromagnet erase head cannot handle. Also included is the manual which shows a metal clip holding the tape reels in place. These also appeared in another thread recently about the TC-50 Apollo mission tape decks, which had metal clips holding the tape reels still. Also have to beware of mobile devices on the bookshelf. I’ve stored it up and away from any danger!
Oh, it's just permanent magnets... I missed on buying one of these several weeks ago. I thought they were electromagnets... It was boxed as well. Looks like stuff like this turns up boxed frequently. I guess they weren't used much back then.
The cassette tape stopper, maybe the rarest of Sony's Offerings. I guess that would mean the tapes were also Sony that went up into space, 3M probably wasn't happy about that, I wonder why whomever made it, didn't advertised it. Great find, too bad it's a dud. I was just commenting on the Sony Bookshelf System, this would also look good on a desk in the 70's, next to the stereo and an IBM Typewriter.
Wouldn’t say it’s a dud, I think it works exactly as it’s supposed to which is to say, it’s not brilliant! Its quite a satisfying process, the tape slides really nice and the sprung exit doors return to closed position perfectly