SONY BP-2EX battery

Discussion in 'Discmans, Minidisc, DCC and other players' started by Valentin, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    Created this thread as I wanted to know opinions about new replacements of the BP-2EX battery which was used in a lot of SONY Discmans.
    Some time ago I purchased one based on 2 x 10440 lithium cells, which I was quite disappointed of.

    However, measurements done when powering a D-250 unit with my bench power supply revealed the fact this device can't operate at a voltage below 3.7-3.8V.
    Given the empty voltage of the 10440 cells is 2.75V, I realised a majority of the cells' capacity is actually not used in this battery pack.
    As-is, a full charge can provide playback for 1.5-2 CDs, which isn't that good at all.

    Recently I saw @Hyperscope was using a different kind of battery (the one in picture attached) and wondered if this one is better than what I have. Hence why I created this thread.

    Anyone else having information about similar batteries that the 2 mentioned is invited to the discussion.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024
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  2. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Yes the e-bay seller is called wickedkraft and is located in Singapore. (They also have a BP-5 battery for the D-35 /D-350 and D-311 which requires a charger since no room for internal USB charge circuits. I was going to get this battery too but never did. I suggest you buy one since there is one up there now! ) I came across the BP-2EX battery and bookmarked the seller. Months later, when I went to buy one, they were all gone. So I had to message them and ask for a BP-2EX, he made one, listed it and I bought it.

    I would rate the BP-2EX they make as "fantastic". Very nice label too. It is a 3D printed plastic box with glued on flat lid containing a 2000mah lithium battery pack with a standard USB charging circuit in the end of the box. I opened it right away to check :biggrin:. Have not timed it or measured how long it lasts exactly in the D-555... but would say 3+ hours. I have pictures of the battery used inside if you want.
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  3. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Several years ago I came across this video which was the first time I had seen or heard of new battery possibilities: Sony Discman DIY 3D Printed Replacement Lipo Battery.

    I believe all these DIY type BP-2EX will all suffer from the same problem alluded to in the first post, that is, much of the cells capacity will not be utilized before the Discman cuts off due to low voltage. Will require a different charge / drive circuit with voltage regulation in the battery. Or, in the case of the wickedkraft BP-2EX, just enough capacity to make for a "good enough" run time in most Discman players.

    Or make a 125mm x 125mm flat square metal box that can sit under the Discman as a battery box filled with ones own battery / driver combination delivering 9v to the external side jack. This way the Discman gets to operate in supposed "optimal performance mode" and has back-lit display illuminated and the remote control working. A thicker BP-200 Discman battery pack re-worked for 9v with a plug in short wire hanging out the back is one intriguing possibility. Or one of the cast aluminum black powder coated "Hammond" enclosure boxes full of 12 Eneloops as 2 parallel groups of 6 in series. I looked through their listings at every box they currently make but none were the ideal size. I ended up making a basic 6AA box of this type which worked quite well for a few hours.
  4. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    I'm familiar with the DIY version in the YouTube video, that is in fact what I wanted to do myself before buying the one I have now.
    As you stated, the big issue with all these batteries is not all the capacity is usable as these Discmans cut off at around 3.7-3.8V, voltage at which the cell still has a lot of charge left.
    The original battery was lead acid, on which the difference in voltage between charged and discharged states is low.

    Only solution I see to this problem is to add a buck-boost converter so the output voltage remains constant at around 4-4.2V during the whole discharge cycle.
    Disadvantage will be the battery gauge will no longer work, showing full all the time. But it's a disadvantage I can live with if I can get 8 hours of play instead of just 3-4 hours.
    An external battery pack based on AAs is of course another solution that will work, but a bit too bulky in my opinion.

    Attached pictures with the battery I have now, which I'm quite disappointed of.
    In regard to pictures of the internals of this BP-2EX made by wickedkraft, I do want to see. Curious if there is any space left to modify it.

    A SONY D-250 draws 210mA during playback, so a 2000mAh battery should provide around 9.5hours of playback which is pretty far from what we're actually getting.
    Even the 2 x 10440 cells (1200mAh) I use now should provide around 5.7hours of playback if all the capacity was to be used.

    Attached Files:

  5. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
  6. reminiz

    reminiz Member

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    5.7 hours is quite impressive regardless, are you able to share the link of the battery pack in your pictures that achieves this?
    Do the batteries need charging separately or just USB-C? If USB-C how long till full charge, and what wattage do you charge at?
  7. reminiz

    reminiz Member

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    Sounds like a proper power management board needs to be created to sit inside the new battery, so it can use all the capacity and also charge/discharge correctly. Charging directly in the unit would be amazing.
  8. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    The 5.7hours is with 2 x 10440 cells I shown in post #4 assuming all the capacity would be used. In reality, the unit is unable to use more than 30-40% of the capacity.
    With the 2000mAh cell it will be 9.5hours of playback assuming all the capacity would be used.

    Both of the batteries shown here charge via USB-C. Don't know how much it takes until full charge, because I never used the full charge.

    As for the power manangement board to solve this problem, don't know if it would fit inside the battery, rather inside the Discman itself. Will update the thread later on about this.

    As for charging directly in the unit, the 10440 cells exist both with protection circuit and without.
    Those without can't be charged directly in the unit as there's no way to stop the charging once a certain voltage is reached.
    The flat 2000mAh cell has its own protection circuit, so that will probably work.
    Regardless, don't think it's a big deal to take the battery out and charge it via USB-C.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
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  9. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Did a battery run time test with the D-555 doing intermittent listening over a 6 day period. Using the above e-bay BP-2EX battery I noted the following:

    minutes of play until the first battery indicator segment went out.
    An additional 31 minutes for the second battery indicator segment to go out.
    Then 36 minutes further play time before the third battery indicator segment went out.
    Then 179 minutes before the final fourth battery indicator segment went out.
    At this point the battery indicator was empty and started flashing.
    more minutes until stop.
    So 280 minutes playtime on the D-555 using this battery. Intermittent use over 6 days to "simulate" realistic use.
    4 hours and 40 minutes available. Pack measured 3.56v at failure.
    Emiel and Valentin like this.
  10. SNIDERs

    SNIDERs New Member

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    Good morning, I stumbled upon this thread and forum after doing a quick search on the internet, looking for a BP2EX battery replacement. I recently came across a Sony D-303 in mint condition and one of these batteries. After going through this thread, and looking at eBay, the e-bay seller called wickedkraft no longer has the batteries for sale; however, doing a search on Aliexpress for the same batteries, the results are encouraging:

    If anyone has any feedback on a specific pack off Aliexpress, please kindly share; otherwise, I will just pull the trigger on one of them and share the results.

    Thank you
  11. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    I had to message Wickedkraft and ask for a battery to be made and listed on e-bay. Then I could buy it. Wickedkraft does not seem to keep a stock up for sale. Try asking them first :thumbsup: Otherwise, yes, looks like there are other up on Aliexpress too. I can't add any more than this though.
  12. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

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  13. Doorz

    Doorz New Member

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    Hello, I have the D-99 since it came out and it was delivered with a 2xAA cell battery holder. called Sony EBP-2
    It uses the third pin in the player and the shut-off voltage must be lower to allow that. There must be a buck transformer already in the player I guess.
    Easiest solution is to use high-capacitw NI-MH together with a 3-d printed replica
    Hyperscope likes this.
  14. SNIDERs

    SNIDERs New Member

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  15. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    Want to add some feedback in regard to the battery in original post.
    In the meantime got one and tested it: compared with the 2 x 10440 cell one I used before, the difference in autonomy is significant.

    @Doorz These discmans shut off at around 3.7V, so the only explanation is that AA adaptor has a boost converter inside.
    What voltage does that adapter output on the terminals ?
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2024
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  16. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    So the new battery is preferable over the 2 x 10440 cells. More run time. (Did you mean autonomy?)
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  17. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I meant autonomy, mistyped it (edited the post).
    The new battery is prefferable without a doubt, the Discman becomes usable with it.
    With the 2 x 10440 cells batteries it could barely last 2 CDs, while with new one it can last quite a few without worrying about it.
    Hyperscope likes this.
  18. Hyperscope

    Hyperscope Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

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    Vancouver Canada
    Yes that was my experience too. Quite a good battery!

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