Sony cfs f11s

Discussion in 'Gallery' started by Silver965, May 21, 2023.

  1. Silver965

    Silver965 Well-Known Member

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    A while back I saw this radio for sale in England.... thanks again @Longman for helping me get it..

    It's an S version... comparing it to others I see on the net (AM-FM only) this one has a different radio with more bands
    Radio and line inputs work fine
    I couldn't fix it completely. . when i changed the belts of the tape recorder i didn't take any pictures but i encountered a much more serious problem..
    the plastic supports are broken and they don't move the mechanics...
    here are some pictures + picture taken from a sony catalog of 1983
    where various models of the Yokohama series are seen

    sony csf11s.jpg sony csf11s1.jpg sony csf11s2.jpg sony csf11s3.jpg sony csf11s4.jpg sony csf11s5.jpg sony csf11s6.jpg
    Last edited: May 21, 2023
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