Hello. I recently got WM-D3 for a few bucks. It plays cassette, sound is ok. I am slowly cleaing and repairing cener wheel with epoxy modelling mass now, I will also make some adjustments and other stuff inside Visually is 5/10 but it lacks in battery cover and (sad) cassette door. Here is my question: can anybody who have this walkman, make 3d model of it or maybe even some nice straight photos with measuring tape, and dimensions. I want to 3d print it untill i find replacement doors, but it is hard in Poland. I appreciate any help. Photo of the doors: (image from Imgur by md81pics) https://imgur.com/gallery/dUYiR
Do you need the door ( metal part) or just the acrylic window? The acrylic window cannot be printed with 3D printer. 3D printer cannot print glass or clear transparent plastic.
Of course metal doors. When this part will be ready i can make acrylic window from plexiglass or polycarbonate
It is cheaper to buy the door than make it by 3D printer, but good luck and post some picture if you make one. The measurement should be very precise otherwise you will have problem with door lock