I want to share with you my "flagship" walkman, it´s the Professional Sony WM-D6C recently full serviced by Sergi. This is a truly portable deck, you need to experience its sound , no words available...
Good photos I'm lucky to accidentally have two different version of D6Cs with different magnetic head.
It's also my favourite portable. I got mine last year. I had a host of playback-only portables, but what prompted me to get a WM-D6C was the quality of the recordings I heard from a friend who used his in mix tape exchanges we had. Nando.
So much want for one of these! If only eBay prices weren't so high I'd buy one. Just 'fixed' a friends one with new belts and rubbers, works lovely now but there is one wire that is lose, no idea what it does but it works ok without it attached. I'll try and upload an pic to see if anyone knows where it should go.