Been after a white F107 to go with my yellow one for many years, but been waiting for one that was still reasonably white and cheap, this one met both criteria. Replaced the belt but didn't change the internal battery as I didn't have a suitably new replacement, I may do it at a later date, anyway it's working well so very pleased.
Thanks, it is nice, yes the solar panel works well and will power the radio and cassette under a bright halogen lamp, although I didn't replace the internal battery it does still charge and power all functions.
Sweet Dave...... My white one was from ebay on a buy it now or make an offer....I offered £40 and blow me down it was accepted...
I've got several of the Sports Line-Up and they all seem to be mid-grade units, more of the money was spent on sealing up the unit then the audio. I don't have a solar model and it doesn't look like a reconfigured existing model, but it does look like it might have better sound than most of them judging by the internals. These are really neat units, hopefully someday I'll find one, this white one looks like it was rarely used.