Sorry Tale Of A Sanyo Mini............

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by nickeccles, May 29, 2018.

  1. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    The one that almost put me off this hobby! F**king Thing :mad:

    I won it a couple of weeks ago for way too much money, looked very promising - until it arrived!!............

    Seller (Forgot to mention) Oh I mean never stated the following:

    Broken Handle

    Burnt out mains transformer

    Broken hinges on tape door

    Seized graphic equaliser sliders

    Two broken ribbon cable sockets (For graphic & indicator Led's)

    Most of these bacame apparent after stripping it down to re-belt it, one of the faults the seller DID list! :(

    This machine is a casualty of the end of the golden age - This 'Features' a cheap nasty cassette deck mechanism, very cheap crappy sliders, those horrid 'piezo tweeters' & a very cheaply moulded handle & cabinet :( The beginning of the end of Sanyo for sure............

    Add to that the sheer nightmare of getting this stereo working in any sense of the word & you might wonder why it never went straight in the bin! (It nearly did!!)


    Repaired handle the best I could.......

    Replaced circuit protector on power board enabling the stereo to operate via the DC in socket (Power transformer properly destroyed, primary windings all open circuit)

    Stripped out graphic Eq board & washed entire board in degreasing solution freeing up the sliders, then blanket re-soldering all the slider pins as they were so dry jointed that expecting them to work wouild be like trying to travel europe on ten pence a day & realising that it too, can't be done :D

    Rebelted the tape deck - not quite as bad as eventually became a couple of years later but well on the way..........Tiny cheap nasty flywheel & a single square belt is all you get here with a solenoid crudely added to trigger the music search function! Yuk!

    Desolder remove & discard the two ribbon cable receptors, clean the mainboard & solder the long (Thank Heavens) ribbon cable straight through the board to the clean connections I had prepared.......

    With me so far?? I had already cut my finger almost down to the bone when cleaning out the front cabinet half - the tuner scale silver trim is razor sharp.........To be honest, it's lucky it didn't get binned there & then!! The fact that I paid way too much kept this machine in the running as far repairing it went...........

    Graphic & Led board back in the cabinet, I cautiously plugged in my DC supply lead & discovered that 2 cables were plugged into power board the wrong way round causing the left channel to scream a very loud feedback type sound :( I thought 'Oh Shit' the power amp stage is blown as is often the case with Sanyo stereo's (Ask a certain forum member for confirmation) :D

    Anyway, everything cleaned up & before the rear cover went on, I performed a quick test of the radio & cassette with headphones to make sure everything was operating as intended before screwing case up & fitting broken tape door as best I can :)

    Next Question: How does it sound??

    Pretty damn good, not up to previous Sanyo mini generation models but all the same, considering the horrid tape mechanism, it sounds as good as you got for the later cheaper mini's!!

    We all get nightmare machines sometimes, but this f**ker really pissed me off & is a real acheivement by anyone's standards & the thing is, despite all the problems I had with it, it works extremely well & does all it should while sounding rich & powerful for such a tiny stereo :)

    Would I buy another?? NOOOOOOOOOO!! Never!! :D :D :D

    I will sell or trade this one as it just does my head in looking at it!!

    See & hear for yourselves........Sanyo M-7760K in red all working now!

    Et Viola:

    Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (1).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (2).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (4).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (5).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (6).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (7).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (8).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (9).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (10).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (11).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (13).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (15).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder - May 2018 (18).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Awaiting Handle Repair - May 2018 (4).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (5).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (6).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (7).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (9).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (10).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (11).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (12).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (13).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (14).jpg Sanyo M-7760K Stereo Radio Recorder Restored - 29 May 2018 (15).jpg

  2. Deb64

    Deb64 Well-Known Member S2G Supporter

    Trophy Points:
    Leicestershire, England
    Well done. You've done a superb job there considering the condition it was in when it arrived. I think I'd have given up at the finger slicing point.
    nickeccles likes this.
  3. Mystic Traveller

    Mystic Traveller Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    St. Petersburg, Russia - Oxford, GB
    Very nice Sanyo, Nick - thank you for sharing :thumbsup:- never seen it before,
    I love the way how tweeters are designed! :applause
    nickeccles likes this.
  4. ianthepostie

    ianthepostie Active Member

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    Well done for persevering with it!
  5. ciclosysombras

    ciclosysombras Member

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    Alicante, Murcia, España
    You need a lot of patience to finish them, other people only repair the radio and finish without the cassette, equalizer, and other details. Good Job!!
  6. Boodokhan

    Boodokhan Well-Known Member

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    Excellent work,
    It looks very beautiful :thumbup:
  7. T-ster

    T-ster Moderator Staff Member S2G Supporter

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    Sanyo minis, always gorgeous but often a bitch to fix, well done!
  8. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

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    Florida, USA
    Oh, dear, Nick Eccles. That's awful: getting a nasty cut on your finger while salvaging this admittedly good-looking Sanyo M-7760K. (Your right index finger, was it?) We do have to be careful. It's one thing to doggedly spare the mini-stereo a trip (or flight) to the rubbish bin, but it's quite another to painfully shed fluid as red as the mini-box itself. Talk about an unfortunate (and unconscious) suggestion! Hope you've healed nicely in the months since then.

    Speaking of "doggedly," do you have a black Labrador? (Don't think it was glimpsed in the hundred-second YouTube clip.) What of the ginger-furred cat? Did it get eaten?:biggrin:

    And speaking of the YouTube upload: who's the lady singing in that techno track recorded with the 90-minute EMTEC Chrome II audiotape and quite ably played back by your deftly restored Sanyo system? A second listening still can't quite ID her...
  9. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Littlehampton West Sussex
    The track is Sunfreakz - Drive Out (Poison Beat Remix) & for me the best version of a great song!!!AtEYKw-3GKK-gacZblIC6ucRBHntIQ

    Yes I have a large black 10 year old Labrador & a 4 year old Orange cat plus a rarely posted tiny black & white moggie who just came here one day & just stayed :biggrin: That was 5 years ago..........

    Best B & B In Town - 2017.jpg Elsie Eccles - 17 June 2018.jpg

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2018
  10. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

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    Florida, USA
    Hello, Mr Eccles. Hopefully your finger has healed nicely after the mishap that you had with “the tuner scale silver trim,” which you describe as “razor sharp,” of this Sanyo M-7760K that you repaired.

    Yes, I have my eye on that good-looking, strikingly red mini-box, as I suspect a few other S2Gers do. :biggrin: (Better not call it “blood red,” after what it put you through.)

    One calls it a “mini-box,” but it's sizeable -- for a mini-box. :shrug: Being a stereo system, it’s considerably larger than the mono’ Sanyo M-1770K that I’m thinking of replacing with it. Yes, I bought the ‘1770 new in 2000 or 2001 in New York City and, yes, it's been a fair 'box. But it's got its limits: no stereo layout, no tape counter, etc.

    (Yes, this Sanyo system, posed and photographed today atop my cleared bedroom desk)

    Yes, I've often frowned on sliders in almost any size and price range of sound systems. We exempt graphic equalizers, but I often feel that the volume and sliders don't mix.

    You were worried that “the power amp stage is blown as is often the case with Sanyo [stereos].” Did you manage to fix it? Or was it a false alarm?

    I also wonder: how’s the recording? We didn’t see you model recording in your pleasingly clear video clip, recording from LINE IN/AUX, from the radio (maybe Heart Sussex 102.4 MHz) or from the condenser microphones. I’m afraid I worry about the recording ability after an unhappy experience or two with a non-functioning RECORD function.

    I will sell or trade this one as it just does my head in looking at it!!

    That’s a pity, sir. Not trusting this system, even after repairing it? That worries a non-repairer who would hate to repeat a "repair fail." (SMH)

    Well, sir, what are you asking for that Sanyo M-7760K? I know that protecting the stereo during shipment is paramount, but can you ship the mini-box in a carton that’s as close-fitting around the Sanyo as the original product box?
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
  11. Easthelp

    Easthelp Active Member

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    Florida, USA
    October 25, 2018 Update (Around 3:10AM ET): Just noticed then that the TDK CD-ing II (type II) 90-minute audiocassette that member Nickeccles is testing this Sanyo with that he was at the time repairing is in fast-forward or is in rewind in photograph 11.

    October 25, 2018 Update (Around 3:18AM ET): Just noticed then also that Mr Eccles switches from using the TDK CD-ing II (type II) audiocassette to using the Emtec CD Chrome II (type II) 90-minute audiocassette in modelling this now-repaired charmer of his (between photo’ 14 and photo’ 15).
  12. Cassette2go

    Cassette2go Well-Known Member

    Trophy Points:
    Dallas Texas USA
    I have this model too, I just have not gotten to it yet and here are Three other similar 5-band eq Sanyo's IMG_3869 Sanyo M7760K M7775 M7760 M7110K control.JPG

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