Spikey Time!!

Discussion in 'Home Audio Gear Chat Area' started by nickeccles, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. nickeccles

    nickeccles Well-Known Member

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    Littlehampton West Sussex
    So Today It Was Time To Spike The Wharfedale Xarus 5000 Speakers!!

    The spikes have made a great improvement, the bass is much tighter & controlled as my floor is concrete beneath the carpet!!

    Still running these things in as they have had virtually no use since new & are sounding better every day!!

    Dolby Digital films are just plain frightening! lol bass grumbles through the floor & catches you out a lot, while the Jamo 3 way omni-surround speakers behind you also surprise you!!

    Enough for today I am shattered, these floorstanders are heavy!!

    Wharfedale Xarus 5000 Spokers - January 2018 (5).jpg Wharfedale Xarus 5000 Spokers - January 2018 (6).jpg Wharfedale Xarus 5000 Spokers - January 2018 (7).jpg Wharfedale Xarus 5000 Spokers - January 2018 (8).jpg

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