Hi guys I got my first taste of HiFi when I heard a Red Hot Chilli Peppers CD through my parents B&W speakers and ever since then I've been hooked. Been collecting Records for a few years now but recently got on to Cassettes. My most recent purchase is a Sony WM-R202. Was able to get it cheap as it was broken and without a battery box so that is what I'm currently working on. Hope
Not on MTV but on cable USA Network, I think it was called Niteflite at the time? These guys were a nice change of pace for the videos that dominated MTV at the time. I met flea when they opened for REM at our local concert hall and I was too young to drink at the water-hole with them, they liked seeing a skateboarder in the Midwest just hanging out out front (my GF was inside). One of the coolest videos ever!