After a recommendation, I bought some Deoxit Shield in a small tube. I've got the uneasy feeling that there is a spray available, and I should have bought that instead. My instinct is telling me to put a little of this in the switches and pots where possible, after using the contact cleaner. However, I've never used this before so I thought I'd better validate my belief, before I muck something up
That's not the right one- D5 is what you want to clean pots/switches, and if you have the expense, Faderlube F5 tube for pots.
This stuff ? -
Here's one of the best resources on Deoxit on the internet. The thread was started by Arkay who used to be a very prolific poster on this board but his attention waned and he moved on to stereo components. I get my stuff at the local music shops, they all carry it along with a bunch of other cleaning supplies or Amazon if I'm busy. I pay $15.00 USD for the big 5 oz spray cans that last forever but it would be nice to have one of the little tubes every once in a while for some of the smaller openings. I have both D5 and Faderlube F5 and have had great results over the years using both.