Walkman party at Barcelona friday 31th may, 22h

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by walkman archive, May 26, 2024.

  1. walkman archive

    walkman archive Administrator Staff Member

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    I'm so happy to announce that after almost 5 years I will be DJ'ing back in a pub in Barcelona (actually, CJ'ing = Cassette jockeying), next friday.

    Cartel pinchada El coleccionista 3.jpg

    Yes, I'll be performing my walkmans and cassettes at El Col·leccionista pub in the Gracia district at Barcelona.

    It will be similar to other times when I performed in other pubs here. Mainly 80s but also 90s music to take you back to that epoque and enjoy a good time.

    20180519 Cassette party at Cara B 03.jpg

    It'll start at 22h and until 00h (yes, a bit short but that's what it is... [​IMG] ) So, if you're not too far from here, you're invited! (free entrance) See you there!

    El Col·leccionista at Instagram and Facebook. Google maps.

    Are you near and consider to come here?
    sickly_b likes this.

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