Where to find a part for Sony DD

Discussion in 'Chat Area' started by Narz, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Narz

    Narz New Member

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    Sony DD broken part.jpg
    I manage to broke teeth of a rod in a Sony DD player and need a spare part. Anyone?
  2. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    I suggest posting here: https://stereo2go.com/forums/forums/2hand-gear-you-want/ and ask for it, there may be members who have extra pieces and are willing to give/sell one to you.
    Or buy a donor unit in poor condition, that would be a second option.

    As a general recommendation, when removing this plastic slider you should do 2 things to avoid breaking it:
    1. Have the carriage in the open door position;
    2. Instead of pulling it upwards (you need to fully compress the claws with a pair of tweezers before pulling), rotate it left.
    It will come out much easier by rotating than by pulling up and there's no risk of breaking it.

    P.S.: You don't need to upload the photos to the forum gallery to attach them to a thread. You can use the "Upload a File" button instead.
    Sometimes it may not show the uploaded files, but they are there and will appear after posting.
    Don't know what your intention was, but wanted to point this out as it may not be obvious.
    Narz likes this.
  3. Narz

    Narz New Member

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    Thek you. I am a nub here. I red lot of rulles, but still get wrong. I did this job several time and it went as you describe it. But this time it just went wrong. I eill try to rebuild it if I dont find the replacement.
  4. Valentin

    Valentin Well-Known Member

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    No worries, you got nothing wrong. I pointed out just so you know pics can be added to a thread without adding them to the gallery.
    How you do it is entirely up to you. Usually it depends on the purpose of the pic: the ones that are only relevant for a particular thread is a good idea to upload them just there.
    If it's something of more general interest (like a teardown of a walkman), then that is more suitable for the gallery as it may be of interest to people who don't read the thread.

    As far as the slider itself, let us know if you manage to fix it. I think such information would be useful, I've seen people breaking that slider before.
    In my opinion, if you think you are going to repair a few such DD units, it's a good idea to buy a cheap donor unit (which can be found in bad cosmetic condition), as you may find yourself needing parts in the future.
    For example, I had situations where I needed to swap the motor which is unobtainium without a donor unit. I also remember a headphone jack with internal short-circuit, case in which a donor can come in handy.
    Narz likes this.

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