Which Technics deck to buy?

Discussion in 'Cassette Decks' started by BLiNDEAD, Dec 9, 2018.


    BLiNDEAD New Member

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    I have midi-size Technics system (ST-302L, SU-X120, SH-E51, SL-PJ28A, RS-X120) and deck (RS-X120) have problems: one well not work at all, the other work only in left direction and im having problems with recording (very dull sound and unstable balance). Deck is properly cleaned so i don't think that's the problem. I have a plan to buy better Technics deck, since its very basic model and i don't think its worth to repair it.

    Problem is, this is midi-size unit (which i didn't knew while buying, since i don't have any full-size component to compare it). I can connect there any deck but most of them don't match in size. Also i don't have money to buy full-size system. Another problem is Technics using there weird 3-pin connection cable, so im limited to only couple of midi models of this brand. All of them are double decks with Dolby C but no HX Pro and probably share the same mechanism so im afraid it would have the same problems.

    It is better to buy a midi size deck matching system or just buy full-size Technics deck and accept the size not match other components? What i should do?

    As always, thank for any anwers and sorry for any lang mistakes.
  2. Mister X

    Mister X Moderator Staff Member

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    The system is probably a great desktop unit and I'd get on HiFiEngine and download the service manual for the tape deck, it would be a great unit to practice on. I wonder if some of the small wires for the head got pulled on and are now loose.

    As far as a tape deck, I'd look outside of Technics Brand and find something that meets your needs better. The form won't match the system but you can always go smaller with something like a Marantz CD-330 or PMD-420 (which are still relatively cheap). You might be out of luck if there's no RCA Jacks on the back of the system, I couldn't find any photos of the back side.

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