Hi all, I'm working on a WM-2. I've ordered all the parts from Mihok (belts, pinch rollers, center gear and small gear) so have them on hand if needed. I opened the unit and replaced the belt, I've done this without totally removing the PCB, just lifting it enough to get the new belt it. Upon pressing "Play" music wasn't playing... after looking a bit I realized the tape head block is not lifting and engaging with the tape. Any ideas where to start looking? Thanks!
Well, I played around with it and found out that the motor was rotating in the wrong direction, so the center gear was not lifting the latch. I reinstalled the belt and now this is working! I have one other small issue, is that if I press the play button too fast, the gears simply get stuck. It seems like I need to press play slowly, so that the latch attaches and then press fully. Is this a common issue?
I would opt for a different strategy than what you are saying: 1. Disassemble the entire mechanism, clean all the shfats and the auto-stop levers (I have a tutorial for that); 2. Replace the center gear; 3. Relubricate all the gears and shafts; 4. Check if the plastic slider has any damage; I recommend bending that spring as indicated in the DD tutorial, even if the plastic pin is not broken, as it will break for sure in the future; I always disassemble these first, clean them, replace parts, relubricate, do the adjustments and then try it. I don't even bother to power them on before all this is done. If you want it to be properly serviced, you need to do absolutely everything. Please check my signature, as there are links there with common problems in DD which apply to WM-2 as well (things like bent pinch roller bracket, sanding the gear retainer, the insider of gear, etc.).
Sounds good, thanks for the tips. The original center gear looks to be fully in tact, would you still replace it ? This is the lube I have, is it adequate or do you have another recommendation? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BXKZQU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
If it's the full-plastic version (you did not mention this), no, I would not replace it. But the mechanism should be disassembled and re-lubricated anyway. For lube, don't use grease except on the plastic slider and the center gear hooks that drive the slider. For the rest use only oil. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Moebius-Multi-Purpose-Lubricating-Grade-Swiss/dp/B004GZQSZQ/ Doesn't have to be this one, can be any watch oil (preffered) or other general purpose mechanism oil. Don't use WD-40, as it will dry. Optionally, you can use a low viscosity engine oil, like those with 0W (0W30, 0W20). EDIT: also clean the leaf switch with contact cleaner and make sure it's installed in a position in which it's firmly pressed when play button is latched as it can be rotated to some degree.