I noticed this interesting walkman listed for 1800 USD on ebay. There are 30 people watching this walkman as of now and seller has received 10 offers so far. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/303663708592?_trkparms=aid=111001&algo=REC.SEED&ao=1&asc=20160811114151&meid=d2c0bd619eb44b69872a819cea7c7b68&pid=100667&rk=1&rkt=8&sd=384265046645&itm=303663708592&pmt=0&noa=1&pg=2334524&brand=Sony&_trksid=p2334524.c100667.m2042 I notified the seller about the wrong listing but haven't received an answer yet. I was hoping none of the member send an offer before knowing that this is not considered a boxed walkman. WM-2 comes in 3 different colors: silver, red and black and each color comes with its own unique box. What you see in this listing a red walkman is placed in a box that belongs to a silver color WM-2 ! (the value of red WM-2 in a box is much higher than a silver or back one).
I have no idea what the original price is for this model but copied from the listing this is something that i would Instantly *Pass on* History: 10 offers Price: US $1,800.00 !!! That is just a crazy price! I have some fancy walkmans that may command a high price... Ok I just looked that is the highest price presently for this model as of 17 July 2021 via this search link https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=sony+wm-2&_sacat=0&_sop=16
Lol, guy seems like a clown. Also even if it was the right box, there's no guarantee it has never been used. That's why I hate people who claim "new in box". Unless the radio is still sealed in its original plastic wrap, it's not new. I don't know if Walkmans had an inner plastic wrap, but most boomboxes did.
same issue again. A red WM-2 is placed in a silver WM-2 box and listed as original package! https://www.ebay.com/itm/185787813844?hash=item2b41d10fd4:g:8G8AAOSwtEJj9moO