Good evening, i have a Sony WM-d6c that i broke by plugging in the wrong polarity. i have been using my backup cassette player since then and i am missing my Sony. If you are unable to help me could you suggest another technician? Thank you for your time.
I have one of the Sony Walkman SRF-H5 and have lost the screw that attaches one of the headphone to the neck strap. Do you know what size screw that I need to reattach my headphone ? One of the posts on a different forum said Sony DD walkman (?) use M1.4x2.5 or M1.4x3.2 possibly. Can you help or guide me to where I can find the correct screw? Thanks.
I have a set of tiny screws that I bought back in the 80s or 90s that I use since during my work as a warranty shop I worked on tonys of small sony items and screws were either missing or lost or wrong driver was used .
Dear miss/sir, in case you were not able to sell the sony wm 701t, i am very interested, do hope to hear from you, despite the outcome, sincerely Edgar Boellaard,...
Hi there, Most probably it needs new belt. Try to place a new discussion thread and I can direct you how to change the belt there.
Hi boodakhan have a wm2 that needs restoring belts etc. just stopped one day on the beach , then it tried to work again and ground to a halt making a trying to workl sound?can you point me i the right direction . thanks so much thanks! vintagerpm malibu, ca
Hello, do you still have spare parts for walkman sony wm-w800?I have one with broken gear and damaged front cover... Thanks in advance!
Hi there - I'd like to get my Sony Stereo Cassette-Corder TCS-470 fixed and found this forum - I think it needs a new drive belt. I once tried to repair a camera and found all sorts of bits and pieces pinging around the room once I'd unleashed a few screws here and there... Please let me know if you can help and what it might cost - I can send it by Royal Mail Registered. Many thanks.
Hello, Kent, what a great collection ! I`m Friedrich from Germany, began collecting tapes 2 years ago . Now i`m collecting still only TDK, only 90 - minutes - tapes sealed, and the other TDK, that was never produced in 90 - minutes playtime. But i miss some, - can you help me ? I would be pleased, if you could send me an answer. I wish you the best, kind regards Friedrich
Hallo Roger, vielen Dank für das Interesse. Wie geschrieben,würde ich bei einem interessanten Angebot die 3 seltenen Geräte zusammen abgeben
Kann gerne Bilder mailen. Ist mir aber über das Forum zu aufwändig. Bitte gerne eine Emailadresse schicken.
Der Zustand reicht von sehr wenigen Gebrauchsspuren beim PK-3 über stärkere Gebrauchsspuren beim gelben PK-5AW bis zu starken Spuren beim silbernen PK-5AW. Technisch eher wohl für den kundigen Bastler, da höchstwahrscheinlich bei allen mindestens die Remen ersetzt werden müssen. Es ist bestimmt aber mehr zu richten. Viele Grüsse musicplayer
Hallo Solomann, ich habe tatsächlich 3 sehr seltene PIONEER Walkmen in meiner Sammlung gefunden. Einen PK-5AW in silber, einen PK-5AW in gelb und einen PK-3 in silber. Ich würde diese eventuell bei einem guten Gebot hergeben.