I just realize that I was talking about WM102 , my mistake about the title . Bytheway someone knows the differences beetween WM101 and WM102?
It was a profitable night....both WM-101 are now working , motor spinning in play and FF/FW. Now awaiting for the new belts in order to test audio...
Now it's really weird...I put the voltmeter across battery gnd and the 1.5v test point market close to the headphone jack and it looks like the...
I've removed the back panel and the belt doesn't look so bad. When I put the battery I mesured voktage across the board it's 1.5V as the battery....
thanks dksp! yes I've already ordered a new pair of belts. when I try to turn by hand the reels they turn easily bytheway. I really hope that I...
Thanks to both of you. in particular Silver ...When I put the headphone tere is a little noise on the background at the time of jack insertion....
Dear all, I've found my and my brothers historical walkman WM101 ( the first with gum rechargeble battery) stored for many years in garage. They...
Hello I found out my old beautifull WM-101 walkman and I came across to this forum because I need some help on restoring functionality. Enrico...
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