BTW, I also have this white color WM-2 clip but, like others, have no idea where it's from ... :ohno2: [ATTACH]
The outer paper box protected the inner red velvet box so well that the inner box is still in as new condition [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
To me, the King of Rarity is the outer box of WM-EX3 lol[ATTACH]
That will be my daily life once I retired
I also have 3 701S, 1 701T, 2 more DC2, 4 dd9, a few TPS-L2 , 3 NIB WM3 ... etc, all boxed but the journey will never ends That small shop don't...
Just call me forHK :)
I can categorize myself as a Sony Cassette Walkman collector .... a serious one. I wish I can make some friends here with the same interest in...
Separate names with a comma.