I've managed to open it up enough to take the belt off. It required quite some de-soldering :( The rubber belt seems to have 'teeths'. Its a bit...
I've been trying to repair the notorious 'caution' error on Aiwa HD-S1 (bought it second hand). took it apart, cleaned a bit, but it didn't help....
I did some more testing, and it seems that the problem is alignment (and that lubrication). It plays quite fine what it records, but there is a...
about cleaning the head with IPA, could I just pour IPA and then use compressed air? I'm worried I could damaged it, besides it needs removing...
thanks. after reading some (its a long thread), I've tried cleaning the pinch roller (with 70% ethanole). It seems to work much better now, I've...
I have a problem with sound dropouts. I thought it was calibration problem, but TCD-D8 cannot properly read the DATs it recorded itself. :( I...
OK, I can't desolder at the moment. The speed seems ok, but there is a lot of some kind of background noise, glitches. Cassette is 'new-old-stock'...
there is no 'TIME' button, I presume you meant 'CLOCK', anyway its the same. I also just got Denon DTR-2000 for spdif and Sony TCD-D8 doesn't...
I've just tried it. The display goes faint and turns off after few seconds and time is lost. The AA batteries are rechargable so 1,2V if that...
old thread, sorry.. I recently bought used TCD-D8 and have the same problem. looking at the service-manual (elektrotanya), it seems the little...
hi all, I'm new here.
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