Update: Got the capacitor today. Fitted it in alongside a lubrication of the laser assembly. Up and running and works like a charm. I'll link the...
The DR-S100 headphones supplied with the Walkman Boodo Khan are a portable derivative of the DR-S3/5/& 7 produce from the late 70's to early 80's....
Thank you both, bought the 33uf cap, made sure it would fit in the space. I'm curious @Jorge what is special about the KSS-220A laser to justify...
Just removed a leaking surface mount capacitor from a Discman D-34 and as you can see in the photo, it reads what I'm guessing is 4V 33uf. The...
For me at least, I'm saddened to see the iPod go. Im not as old as a number of you guys here so I grew up around the iPod. Though I had a cd...
I supposed it wouldnt hurt to try so i’ll see what happens, thanks for the tip!
Thank you! @Valentin and no @Mister X I have not, however unfortunately the remnants have almost zero semblance to rubber or any pliable material....
Simple as that, ton of hardened remnants of a belt on a capstan flywheel im working on which won't come off with any cleaning solution and...
Bingo! I had my lamp shining into the cassette bay wondering how the thing just started working again and then saw this message. I've been...
Just got an sony FX6C which was in working order, upon arrival it plays for a couple seconds then immediately stops. FF, REW, Play, and Record are...
If only the the little thing could play/record on that MA-XG! Not that the recorder would be able to take advantage of such a tape anyways lol....
Separate names with a comma.