Great job @Emiel ! I think I have almost all, and maybe even some models not listed here with Dolby C. One of my aims from my very beggining...
Yeah, that's crazy. I've seen some DD9...
Hello dear fellows! As I said I'm turning back... and I'm scared! Holy god, what happened to the prices in the last 3-4 years? Things were mad!...
I should not forget that if this site is still alive after these last years is thanks to the supporters that keep giving their donatives month by...
Wow, super cool! :thumbsup2:
Thanks a lot for your warm welcome Mixter X. I even stopped listening to music, I didn't enjoy it. Hard to explain, but when you're touching the...
Thanks my friend! Good to see you here!
If you haven't seen it, I strongly recommend it. It's a true story of Enrico, an italian DJ that started to make mixtapes and sold them illegally...
Hi everyone! I'm so happy to say 'I'm back'. :sayhi: Not sure but I guess some have asked why I haven't been here for so long. Actually more...
It seems that the mainteinance was harder than I thought but thankfully the forum is back online. The problem was an upgrade of the PHP that...
From 22 to 25th February 2022 there will be a server maintenance so you might experience slow response. Also there’s a chance that the entire...
Welcome here patxistein! We are just a few enthusiasts here in Spain, but you're not alone. Should I guess you are in the basque country? I'm at...
Dear members, I just want to inform you that we have just updated the forum rules, so they better reflect what we love this site to be and user to...
Separate names with a comma.