There will be an audio show in Los Angeles within 2 weeks. Fri, Jun 2, 2017 to Sun, Jun 4, 2017 10 Am to 5PM Sheraton Gateway Hotel...
there is a guy selling TPS-L2 with brand new boxes. This boxes looks completely new. I have several TPS-L2 with original box. I realized several...
I cannot believe this one . So I would like to share it with you to see what is specific about this one?...
hello all I received a package from Our expert member Sergi. Among the Walkmans he fixed for me was a Sony WA-77 which is extremely collectible to...
I was looking for a Conion boombox and found out that a member has it. This boombox is a Conion V 121 LF. I checked eBay to see if any of this...
most of the members know Corry. I am going to mention few things. Hopefully it will help new members who dot know him well and might get trapped...
Hello friends I would like to get some help from you about bookshelf speakers what brand/ model of bookshelf speaker you recommend? I have plan to...
I was gonna post this item in "best walkman deal" topic but i dont think its a good deal for collectors. anyway, this deal includes 55 brand new...
I am looking for a Sony FH-7 in red in a good cosmetic condition. I am sure Deech or Samovar or Radio Raheem might have multiple FH-7. If you...
This walkman lacks the headphone The walkman...
Walkman by Michael Robinns:
I changed the belt on this model "AIWA HS-J110). this is the 2nd J110 that i changed belt and on both experienced the similar problem. The play...
Hello all I have a boxed WM-3 without a headphone. I dont know what model this headphone is to look for it on Ebay. I am sure some of you have...
Hello all I have a suggestion that can make this site more helpful for all of us and those who need important information about cassette players...
I am looking for this model Conion V-121F on ebay but cannot find it. Do you anybody who has this one for sale or any similar boombox with this...
This is my recent found A brand new and restored Marantz PMD430 [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I have this WM-150 in almost mint condition but the belt is melted. Got the service manual but it doesn't show how to install it. I just guess it...
I have been looking for a Nagra Sn for a long time. Today i noticed somebody placed 9 of them on sale Item is located in Canada. He wants people...
Hello all Anybody has service manual for Sony WM-150 by any chance?
lets recommend the good deals anywhere we find to other members who might be interested....
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