If would try to hone down from a piece of plastic. Would work with a set of key files.
Thanx for information - @ Longman - what means "...outside of Japan " ? @ LIVO - i here have one TEAC 7030S, but it´s not so brilliant - we talked...
Did anybody owned such deck : https://buyee.jp/paypayfleamarket/item/z260624070?conversionType=service_page_search looks very interesting
Yes, i`m happy, because it`s so hard to buy from Russia this time. Cassettes are sanctioned, and there hardly is a way to pay ( we found one over...
A new parcel arrived, after sailing a big Odyssee from Russia over Kazachstan, very rar cassettes [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The SA-C90 is now...
I found this : https://www.radiomuseum.org/r/rising_a_3000.html, looking for A3000...
I got a new cassette [ATTACH] [ATTACH] It`s a JY-90. Can anybody say, from what year it is ? It`s a Type I Tape, and the little window in the...
I think , the reason, they`ve used it in the movie, is the contract including Philips product placements. In 007-movies you can often see Philips...
Thank you, i`ve googled, without satisfying results. Nice site...
seen and used in " A View to a Kill " I wasn`t able to discover the brand. AIWA ? It`s too dark to check... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
the cracks immediately know, what series of tape deck it is. https://youtu.be/KQX1I4KcPAI by the way " His" equipment is really amazing, despite...
I never found infos. It`s very surprising that such stuff is shown, and there`s the question, who really used this in reality ? From where the...
I was soldering about 50 of this combinations in the early 80-s. And one of this is still working here, - from my MD-Player ( Jack ) to my GDR Amp...
Who wants to move it around ? That`s the question. You must have two hobbies - boomboxes and fitness centers...
This is from the german series " The Invinsible Visor " from 1973. It`s used by an agent of "Stasi". Very curious [MEDIA]
There`s much stuff on the road, called "Cassette Digitalizer" - Renkforce, Logilink and so on. All these stuff can also be used as walkman , but...
You can look here : https://www.stereo.de/artikel/neuer-vollverstaerker-und-cd-player-marantz-pm6007-cd6007
Yes UHER was a german factiory, located in Munich. By the way - the notorious Eastern German "Stasi" - the state security - used UHER - devices...
Tataa - i got new cassettes : [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] and an another Head Cleaner [ATTACH] The Freddie-Tapes, the HXS, and the...
I like the M88 - especially the great cassette window - you can see almost the full cassette.
Separate names with a comma.