The TDK MA-R ( especially the early MA-R C ) cassettes belong in every good cassette collection. They are one of the heaviest produced ever, 120 g...
Meanwhile i´ve got the information, that the parcel from Russia was sent back to sender ( Elvis is laughing, - me not ), because the import of...
...and there was a big problem to get jack plugs ( and not for soldering at all... ) in GDR , so i had to use a cable from a little...
Many of the old phones had an earphone-output, and with this you could made records too.Sometimes there only was a problem with output power. Like...
I think, i have handled it exactly the same way after once had trying to program. ;-))) And, it`s so bad, that FM will be cancelled , shutted off...
If you look closer, you can see, one of the buttons is rotating for fine tuning ( the middle of the meter is best ), the other is on/off. The...
It`s interesting, that the first Sony Cassette Corder has a Phone - Input. What kind of plug is this ? Jack ? ( btw - just now "Inspector Barnaby"...
I now ask the question, how a radio-cassette is working fine. Without any respectable aerial ?
Sometimes i still hear CDs, may be to appreciate my Technics CD-Player. This device is spectactular, - it was fallen from my bicycle during...
This great cassette window is very nice. And the meters too.
So who give a clearly definition of Stereo Recorder and Boombox ? Isn`t it a question of interpretation ?
If it isn`t not a special SACD, you haven`t such more informations about the songs, titels, ore any other. Place number and length is shown. I...
Sometimes i thought, SABA was an Swedish company - i had confused this with SAAB... The C8300 looks like a GDR-product ( or the other way around...
CD here is an welcome medium, i made mix-CDs with some of my favorite songs for home HIFI - and i made mix-CDs with mp3-files for the little...
@ radiorich You make mixtapes from tape to tape ?
The Configuration of the Components seems to be OK. Sometimes the tape selectors of the amps are corroded, and so the signal cames dirty. But in...
Now there arrived two new cassettes - very rare in this excellent condition [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The first is the japanese SA C90 from 1975-1978 -...
Here are some other links :
Mine too, there are no others. The existing only differentiate in the year of manufacturing. 86/87
I will take a look, i have collected a couple of links - here first are my links to cataloged cassettes :
Separate names with a comma.