Aiwa HS-G09 - autoreverse eats tape

Discussion in 'Tech talk' started by Soxbrother, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Soxbrother

    Soxbrother Member

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    Update :

    I'll speak carefully, but I think I fixed the autoreverse.

    Almost everything seems to work now.

    One problem though, when the autoreverse plays the other side, it plays it in chipmunk style. You would expect to see the gears spin faster, but it's plays at the same speed.

    @AiwaDude mentioned in the video that the switch needs to be aligned with the autreverse mechanism.
    That part I forgot to check.
    Hopefully it's that, because I don't have a clue on how to fix that.

    And then there's the missing head screw,
    but the head alignment seems good, even without the spring and screw. So I can't imagine it's because of that.

    I'll post a video soon where you can see the autoreverse in action.

    I hope anyone has any idea's on how to fix that chipmunk style audio.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Soxbrother

    Soxbrother Member

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    Happy New Year everyone !!!

    I've checked the switch and it was indeed alligned with the autoreverse mechanism.
    So it seems for now that I've repaired the auto reverse mechanism for nothing. :swoon2

    One important change in audio,
    is that before when the auto reverse mechanism didn't work ( red indicator arrow ), the tape mostly got eaten, because the mechanism didn't engage the capstan, but a few times the tape didn't get eaten and you could hear the same audio in reverse.
    Now the mechanism does work only to play the audio at chipmunk speed.
    (Allthough I don't see the gears rotate faster)

    Here's the video so you can see the autoreverse in action.
    I've tried to capture the chipmunk style audio.
    ( sorry for the crackling sound)
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  3. Soxbrother

    Soxbrother Member

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    I've read that it's possible to adjust the speed by turning a screw on the pcb or motor or something,
    but I can't imagine you can adjust the speed of Side A and Side B separately.
    So that isn't an option either.
    Maybe it pulls the tape faster through the capstan, than the tape turns, somehow ?
    I mean that the tape speed and the capstan speed is different ?

    The capstan discs are directly driven by the belt and before the 2 tape wheels start spinning, first many gears have to start turning, and therefore it maybe turns slower, so maybe that's where the speed difference can come from ?

    I leave it with the experts in here.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  4. Soxbrother

    Soxbrother Member

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    I've made a separate topic about the speed problem.

    In the meantime I've found a screw that fits the tapehead ( I had one missing screw )(FINALLY :yahoo),
    so now I have all the screws back for securing the tapehead.

    In turn I now lost the spring :scratch2
    ( it goes on one side of the tapehead )

    I don't know if this is a huge problem,
    anyway the tapehead is secured now without the spring.

    Maybe I can use a spring from a pen ?

    Why does it needs spring anyway ?
    ( ok, there's a gap now where the spring needs to be,
    but why make the player so, that it needs a spring in the first place ? )

    In case anyone's wondering, no it didn't fix the speed issue.:shock

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