Good memory Longman, I have no idea what it is but it looks like the top column lights red? This is also made by Panasonic from your link.
That was the "British Room" the entry level equipment was in one room and these other rooms had the nice stuff, the small speakers started around $600 USD and everything went up from there. The Japanese must have a pretty good opinion of them. I'll check them out next time I'm in the area.
Time for round II, just checking out the mall, they have some very nice expensive clothing and they had Maxell T-shirts along with some Maxell Bluetooth Speakers. The shirts were limited edition hanging off the rack.
Wow, used Led Zeppelin, close to $2000 USD, must be a hot copy. There's a lot of cool record shops on the side of town we're in, lot's of international pressings.
We hit up Manhattan Records, and guess what was up on the DJ stand....A nice red National, unfortunately it was a little out of my price range, it must be special since it's red.
They had a cool pencil case with the JVC/Victor Kangaroo Model on it, it looks real with the packaging.
Some more boxes for sale, unfortunately not all of them were, I couldn't talk them into selling the Perdisco.
Awesome experiences for you, Mr X ..... Thanks very much for sharing photos and thoughts. Old Bleuster ************
I've always loved antique stores so checking out thrift "junk" stores is always on the list, ACME is cool mixing vintage American Industrial with some newer reissues. They had a nice old Sony Mono that looked like it lived a nice life on a shelf somewhere. The trend seems to be a mix of Japanese Ceramics and Dishware, Danish Furniture and vintage US stuff (lights, chairs, clocks), with a splash of vintage Japanese Audio.
Cassettes and some smaller radios, this was set up like an antique store in the US, one guy ran it but it had displays from different sellers, I completely missed that Yamaha Reel to Reel Cassette and just noticed it on my computer. I had my crappy miniature Nikon, I think it says around $75 USD.
An old wall poster with some cool basic BCL Radios, this looks like from around 1978, even then these were pretty expensive, this was in the massive vintage video game store in Akihabara.
This has been posted before but it's still cool to look at, a Guys & Dolls Walkman and a 15th Anniversary Model along with some other gems.
One of my personal favorites, a Superscope CRS-4000 in tasty condition, it was priced around $300 USD. I asked about other Marantz or UNIX Boxes, the attendant said they were very rare.