Gong - You to compensate for my yesterday's negativity here is my second-favorite album from my favorite crazies (top fav. is Shamal). not much to continue with, sorry!, but @TooCooL4 will find a way playing LP vs. digital makes all the difference here
Gilli Smyth – I am a fool Since I had never heard of Gong before it was not easy to make a link to the next track, I like to make interesting links. Anyway, I had to look up the band. I noticed Gilli Smyth is the female singer from Gong and she is also a solo artist, hence the link here.
Eric B & Rakim – Follow the leader In case you are wondering about the connection, they also made Paid in full with sampled track from Ofra Haza’s - Im Nin’alu, both amazing tracks.
Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush - Don’t give up https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&r...=VjEq-r2agqc&usg=AOvVaw1jguHrRRaXDaOco6XK_0zA
Let’s see if I can revive this old thread. Picking up from where it ended before. The Mothers Of Inventions – Freak Out!