I was thinking of upgrading to 8 18" woofers but the ceiling isn't tall enough lol and the bass just knocks me for 6 as it is lol
Yes, I feel sorry for your amps, with such a load you need a Lot of power!!! A few years back Stereophile mentioned that Burmester amplifiers can be used for welding Have no idea how it sounds, at recent shows Burmester was on static display only (as if there is anything special about the looks of the audio-box unless, of course, it is McIntosh!). Very nice, I have T5's poor brother - DT880 and love them
I also have the dt990 jorge great cans btw my amps are fine for the job lad, there dual mono twin power supplies etc
Wish You is my all-time favorite (technically, right next to Brahms under Bohm)... if my Boss knew how many copies I had she would had signed me for some ungodly treatment... Thanks for the reminder, I played More by PF today, now listening to The Division Bell thru Sony D-90/Senn HD570 - love these guys in all their incarnations So, when you say you 'blow' your amps you mean the fuses... or was it the breaker to the room?? I had a dedicated 20Amp line to my main Naim stereo ((and yes, guilty as charged, paid over a thou for each power cord, but still considered myself kinda sane for not ever paying more than $2k for a cord or interconnect)) Never ventured into the Hi-End clouds of headphone listening: Lehmann Black Cube Linear into Senn HD-650 worked for me, but Sennheiser Orpheus is on my 'to-buy' list...... in my next incarnation Right now my best h/p rig is Pono Player in Balanced Mode into Senn HD580. When Charles Hansen of Ayre Audio designed Pono for Neil Young, he made it 'dual-mono' for the balanced mode but it is not bridged for when in normal Stereo - so in balanced mode you get double amp power and it is clearly evident! The bitch of it is that once you rewire Sennheisers for the balanced use as I did here it is advised Not to switch the cables, Senn connectors are very-extremely lo-fi... that is how I fell in love with Beyerdynamics: similar sound signature to Sennheisers, and a bit cheaper: H/P for Pono Player But, again, when it comes to h/p listening I am not as sensitive as in 'real life"
Thanks for all the great comments gentlemen, of course this system is Not mickey mouse that's just me extracting the urine lol jorge there is truly no need for high end cans unless you have a system like mine, knowing you yours is 1000 times better but no walkman discman can take advantage of high end cans, yes they make these devices sound better but it's truly overkill for any dsicman/walkman, had them all.....god bless everyone and lets blow our neighbours away lol peace
Ey up lad, how's tricks? When you say the four eqs are all linked together, do you mean the audio signal goes from the source into one eq, then into another eq before the power amp?
i think you are correct paul lad one eq from the amp then the rest are all looped together bro, to be honest though im not 100% on this one as 2 eq's were imported from japan, im not certain i could do this again as it involved plenty of head scratching and cursing, it took me about 5 hrs, 2 other people attempted to do the job and failed lad, nice to see you back my friend
Do not try this with a digital eq like kenwood or the modern ones as you will more than likely blow them guys
Here are the speakers i bought, they sound mickey mouse on there own but with the eq's there great.........the monitor audio were just as good with 2 eq's but im sick of blowing them, im probably gunna get them repaired but will then sell them https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PAIR-Max-2x15-3000w-Passive-DJ-BAND-KARAOKE-PA-DISCO-Loud-Bass-Speakers-UK-Stock/232504299620?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 the amps are technics su v8 the silver one was imported from japan as that one is very rare
That sounds terrifying - & the total power consumption must be like running an electric fire! I'm happy with one of these in the office/bedroom, speakers at either corner & with a decent Bluetooth receiver, also connected to my PC...
You have me thinking, I don't know why you couldn't do it, it would interesting to see a graph of what is changing. I'd love to bring over a table saw and router and build you some cool shelves so you'd have a better view.
There is nothing wrong with the m90 lad it's just not worth the thousands people ask for it these days, always been my fave radio along with the jvc pc 55 and always will be my friend
I have some great news MR x one of my old pioneers is now working, i gave them to a friend he has the working one and is getting the other fixed for me............ wouldn't know how to monitor the audio signal my friend and do graphs, it would sure be interesting though, what would i need and how would i go about it???
You'd have to run the signal through a computer to see how the frequency changes, I could probably do it with no experience but I'm sure there's guy with equipment made for that job, I'm thinking the sound guys that set up speakers for arena concerts.
Sounds out of my league dude, my computer was built for gaming nothing more, it has no soundcard etc, it runs of hdmi to my tv