I have no doubt the DD9 is a great walkman, but somehow when it comes to listening I do not feel the dieefence between DD9 and DC2 By the way the most recent boxed DC2 sold on ebay for US $1,777.00 http://www.ebay.ca/itm/152405156720?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
At that price, you know what they say don’t you “A fool and he’s / her money are soon parted” But then if you really want something and you have the money then why not?
Yes, I think we experience the music in slightly different ways, and I agree with you. The differences are not night and day, of course. But with a good pair of headphones and with the help of a good headamp it become hearable. I'd suggest you the Beyerdynamic DT990. They are very cheap and sound really really good for it's price. Probably the best quality /ratio in all my headphones.
Thanks for your recommendation. I always prefer to use earphones rather than headphones but i dont mind to try this Beyerdynamic. It comes in 2 different types: Beyerdynamic DT-990-Pro-250 Professional Acoustically Open Headphones for Monitoring and Studio Applications Beyerdynamic DT 990 Premium 600 OHM Headphones So which one is better?
Depends on what you have to drive it with, 600 ohm one demands more from the amp and not all amps will drive it well. The higher ohm load ones from Beyerdynamic tend to be smoother and more refined. If your amp is not up to the job, get the lower ohm version.
As Toocool says, although the highed impedance one (600Ohm) tends to be slightly better, it highly depends on the headphone amplifier... if you have any. If you don't, choose the 250. A good DD33 i.e. can drive it quite well, but it's recommendable to have a good one, to get a sound with more 'punch'. [GALLERY=media, 491]Headphones Beyerdynamic DT990 02 by walkman archive posted Feb 7, 2017 at 10:20 AM[/GALLERY] Another good one is the AKG 702, but it's mre pricey and a bit bright. With an easy mod it gets a bit more bass and sounds better. [GALLERY=media, 489]Headphones AKG 702 05 by walkman archive posted Feb 7, 2017 at 10:20 AM[/GALLERY]
has not only a nicer sound, perhaps not better but it makes me smile, and is also a winner for it's looks. yep, i prefer a dc2, my ultimate walkman. i think i've said that too many times for 15 years.
If I may? I have three 'go to' walkmans whenever I get the urge. We shouldn't forget the superb Aiwa PX101 which I find is capable of brininging the best out in pretty much any headphone you throw at it. Granted, I've not really explored the boutique headphone arena but I'm regularly stunned by the sound quality the Sony MDR-E262 achieves from all three of these players. With this set up I really struggle to decide between my D2C which has been proffessionally set up by the legendary Tim Jarman (Mr walkmancentral) who used an oscilloscope to adjust the azymuth, my trusty DD9 which, is just a nice clean DD9 and the Aiwa which uses bells and whistels to bludgeon it's breathtakingly clear sound. Sadly I do gravitate towards the DD9 because it's just so nice to hold.
Agree with Ao, those aiwa are so nice, i have 7 or 8 of them plus a new walkman from panasonic with dolby c and it sounds real nice too
ok my bad, just checked, 4px 101 and 2 others very similar from japan but i can't read the mn and i had a px1000 but i gave it to a member as it was cream crackered the other 2 aiwa that i can't read the model of are higher than the px 101 with dolby c but for the life of me i see no model number here is the panasonic i have with dolby c, best panna walkman iv had as all the other panna the bass is done by remote, which i truly hate http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/142183178597?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
Wow So i think you got a HUGE collection of walkmans. It is not easy to find even one AIWA HS-PX101 and you got 7 or 8 of them. So someday you should start a topic to show us your collection
Thanks for sharing the picture. you got this beautiful walkman in 2 different colors, a nice collection indeed
nope, as you know i only like high end walkmans so that leaves most to everyone else and only a few for me, i think in total i have 10 walkmans all with dolby c minus one a boxed sharp with dolby and 4 band eq that i had from walkgirl as a preasant, i do have a camera chris but it's not my ol trusty one and im not sure what lead connects it to the pc